Slow Dramatic Ending (2017)
Open duration performance for dancers and ensemble
Open duration performance for dancers and ensemble
Slow dramatic ending is a dance composed of gestures from dramatic death scenes in cinema and ballet. Dancers continually perform a small repetoire of choreographed movements without pause, using these actions to slowly traverse a given space over time. Gradually, the legibilty of each movement deteriorates and becomes defined instead by fatigue and endurance. The piece was made with composer Jack Sheen.
Slow Dramatic Ending is highly adaptable and has been performed with a group of five dancers tightly moving as a unit, and as a solo performance within a gallery space.
Slow Dramatic Ending is highly adaptable and has been performed with a group of five dancers tightly moving as a unit, and as a solo performance within a gallery space.

Slade Grad Show, 2018
Performers: Danielle Summers, Svenja Bühl, Alice Tagliento, Richard Pie and Paolo Guidi.
The Hand of the Artist,
Roaming Room, London
Performers: Danielle Summers and Svenja Bühl
Performers: Danielle Summers, Svenja Bühl, Alice Tagliento, Richard Pie and Paolo Guidi.
The Hand of the Artist,
Roaming Room, London
Performers: Danielle Summers and Svenja Bühl